Swap Shop

Starting at 9:30 AM and ending at 10:00 AM Call: 423 – 727 – 7260 at anytime and you’ll be with us live! You can also email us at swapshop@wmctradio.net with your items.


FOR SALE: Two Sets of 195-65-15 inch tires, good condition $100 a set, set of 225-60-15 inch tires $100 good Condition. (423)727-6962 or (423)213-3502

FOR SALE: Monitor Heater MP 40 has the pipes for the exhaust included. $250 call 828-750-2392

FREE: 6 big, beautiful, free Boston Ferns available by Septmber20 for someone who might have a place to winter them. Would be great for a florist to use for weddings, etc. Also, would do well in a large sunroom. Please call only if interested: 423 291 1062  and leave a message with your name and number. 

FOR SALE: Master millwright, micrometers, mechanic, and metalworker tools, heavy duty grinder, compressor, wire welder, and assorted tools. Negotiable prices.  Call 423-291-0925.

WANTED: In need of fill dirt on Crackers Neck Road 423-471-1561

FREE: Folding bed for a small adult or child. 727-9655

HELP WANTED: Roofer to install a metal roof in Doe Valley. Owner has all materials. 423-727-8898

FOR SALE: 1971 Antique Red VW Squareback station wagon.  Garage kept.  Clear title.  Needs some work.  Call 423-291-0925 for more information.  

FOR SALE: Stihl Chainsaw MS 250 16 inch bar Runs good has almost new chain $100 423-707-5331

HELP WANTED: Elderly couple needs a set of people to move them and cleaners for when it is done. Organizational skills preferred but not required. 423-278-2197

WANTED: Looking for a reasonably priced Chicken Coop. Call 423-440-3609

WANTED: Used 30 inch range 423-335-5342

FOR SALE: CAN-AM LTD Edition ATV’s with 800 high output engines. 2 seaters. Storage bags front and rear. $10,000 or best offer. Must Sell. 508-809-0959

FOR SALE: A craftsman 1 1/2 horse power router with extra routing bits $50, and a GQF 1500 sportsman incubator includes 5 gallon bucket and egg trays $500. Call 336-385-9026

FOR SALE: Baby jumperoo $30 Baby walker $25 Stroller $10 Baby swing $10 Call or text 423 895-5674

FOR SALE: Twin bed with mattress  $75 Call or text 423 895-5674

FOR SALE: Cinder Blocks. Assorted sizes: we have 8x8x16, 8x4x16, and 8x2x16. These are unused, but have been sitting awhile. We are letting these go at $1.75 each and have between 500-600 blocks total. Local pick up only. Please call 423-727-7428 for more info.

WANTED: I am looking for a mobile home for sale that is 8,000$ or under it can be a fixer upper but nothing to bad and preferably without any mold due to our newborn having lung issues or a place to rent that’s under 700$ for me my husband and our newborn. You can contact us by 423-491-2649, Thank you!

FOR SALE: Old 24 inch tall, 8 day, half hour strike, 24 Inches tall, Sessions clock, make offer. 423-727-4753